My approach to cooking borrows from my personal search for wellness, my experience as a plant-based culinary student and passion for serving up delicious meals that heal.
I’m obsessed with the power of plants, sustainability (personal and planetary), and the deep connection that is cultivated when enjoying good food with others.
Not all foods are created equal, it’s important to elevate the quality of ingredients in your life, because what you eat matters. A LOT. Food is powerful stuff—especially when you see its effects over time. It can hurt you and it can heal you. Food extends beyond fuel for your body, it energizes your thoughts and infuses your life.
My work is devoted to using nourishing ingredients to elevate wellness & consciousness (+ satisfy your tastebuds, of course). The meals I create are made with love and intention. I source ingredients from local makers and farmers because I believe in being a part of a sustainable food culture.
Your food choices matter and can make an impact on what’s happening in the world. As consumers we vote with our dollar, we can help to drive industries in a more sustainable and humane direction based off our buying choices; that includes the food + ingredients we buy and eat.
We can make small shifts to better the world, supporting our local economy and communities. Getting a local CSA (community-supported agriculture) box delivered to your home or visiting a local farm to pick your own fruits, growing some of your own food, shopping local— all these small decisions add up to make a big difference. Be conscious of how your food got to your plate, were the people paid fairly in production, are their business practices supporting our environment, were animals treated right in the production of dairy and meat products? Being mindful of these implications helps to reconnect you to what you’re eating. Your food choices create a ripple effect that reach out into the world, making a tremendous impact, for better or worse.
These are some of the many reasons why ELEVATION EATING focuses on using quality, organic, plant-based ingredients—straight from local farmers.
Plants are packed with nutrients that help with good digestion, healthy hormones, restful sleep, mental health and support your overall wellness.
Eating more plant-based foods means we use less water, less land, fewer resources, produce less pollution and create less suffering for animals.
Plant-based eating & nutrition creates health in all areas of existence. All parts are intimately interconnected.